Spreading of Communicable Disease

Concept Explanation

Spreading of Communicable Disease

How Communicable Diseases Spread: A communicable disease can spread, or get transmitted, in many ways. It is important to know how they spread because it can help in controlling these diseases.Disease can spread through the following means: 

  • By Air: A number of microbes causing disease spread through air. The pathogen may reach the body through little droplets through out when an uninfected person sneezes or coughs.A healthy individual standing nearby can inhale these droplets, causing infection in that person.
  • By water and food: Some diseases are transmitted when excertions from an infected person containing causal microorganisms get mixed with drinking water. Consuption of this contaminated water leads to the spread of diseases.Some water and food borne diseses are cholera, typhoid, hepatitisA, jaundice, diarrhoea.
  • Direct physical contact: Sexual  act involces close contact between two people, which leads to the transfer of diseases such as syphillis, gonorrhoea, AIDS,etc. These are known as sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Blood to blood contact: This type of contact is established through blood transfusion or during pregnancy and through breast feeding.Diseases that sprerad through blood is AIDS.
  • Animals or vector borne: Organisms  which do not cause disease themselves, but spread the infection by transferring disease- causing microorganism from an infected person to others are known as vectors.e.g. Mosquitoes are the vector of malaria.Malaria is caused by protozoans Plasmodoium.This protozoan is carried from  an infcted person to the healthy person by female Anopheles  mosquitoes.
  • Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Identify the disease that is transferred through sexual contact ________________.

    Right Option : D
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    Question : 2

    Which of the following diseases would not normally be spread by a common source ?

    Right Option : A
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    Question : 3

    Infectious agents do not spread through______________.

    Right Option : D
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